교원 더오름 백수오온 / Kyowon the Orm 

갱년기 여성 건강을 위한 온화한 밸런스를 위해 출시되었던 건강기능식품 교원 더오름 제품 백수오온을 효과적으로 표현하기 위해 부드럽고 따뜻한 느낌의 색 배합과 꽃의 요소들을 활용해 홍보영상을 제작하였습니다.
I worked independently in order to design this advertisement. The product was a health supplement for women going through menopause. I used soft, warm color combinations and floral designs to appeal to this demographic, while emphasizing the fact it is a natural product.

Department : Media development (Kyowon)
Design: Soo Jung Choi
Edit : Soo Jung Choi
Sound : Namgyu Kim
Client: Kyowon
Year: 2018

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