교원 도요새잉글리시 5주년 기념 영상 / KYOWON  5th Anniversary Commemorative Video

교원 도요새 잉글리시가 5주년을 맞아서 축하영상을 만들었습니다. 로고 컬러에 맞춰서 컬러를 선택했고 각각의 섹션에 맞춰서 5년간 이루어낸 성취들을 보여줬습니다.

This was the 5th anniversary celebration video for the English content creation department at the company. We worked on logo design and highlighted milestone achievements since the department’s establishment.

Department : Media development (Kyowon)
Design: Soo Jung Choi
Edit : Soo Jung Choi
Sound : Namgyu Kim
Client: Kyowon
Year: 2019

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